
Besties Mission(ベスティーズ ミッション)


We support women going through various struggles. We consider it important to become a friend of the women (and girls) we encounter through our outreach. Through getting to know the women personally and building a longterm relationship with them, we support them with the help of other organizations, in standing on their own two feet.


The Philippine Mission(フィリピン ミッション)


教会:Christ Community Church, Giving Grace church

Once or twice a year, we travel to the Philippines and do outreach together with local churches. We spend time with the locals through cultural exchange events for children and workshops. We distribute aid to families in the slums and support them through listening to their troubles and concerns. In addition, we visit shelters and spend time with children, sing worship songs with them and pray together with them for their future. Supporting churches: Christ Community Church, Giving Grace Church

前往菲律賓,與當地教會合作,並透過文化交流和工作坊等,與孩子們共度美好的時光。 我們分送救援物資給貧民窟地區的家庭分,除了傾聽他們的問題和苦惱外,也提供支援。此外,透過參觀庇護所和其他設施,和孩子們團契交流,一起讚美神,並為他們的未來禱告。除此之外,我們每年也會進行一到兩次的外展活動。 教會:Christ Community Church, Giving Grace church

Cafe Story(カフェ ストーリー)

誰でも気軽に立ち寄れる憩いの場を提供します。 オーガニック、ビーガンなど、自然を意識しつつも、ナチュラルジャンクなメニューで、お客さんを楽しませます。また、ライブやイベントなども不定期に行っています。

We provide a comfortable space where people can freely pop into and feel relaxed. We will entertain our customers with a variation of dishes ranging from organic and vegan to ‘natural junk’. Live music and events will also be planned occasionally.

提供一個讓任何人都可以愜意來訪休息放鬆的地方。 我們意識到大自然而準備了天然食材菜單來讓顧客享用(例如有機和純素菜餚等)。另外,還會不定期舉辦現場音樂會和活動。